Southern Utah Fly Fishing

Halfmoon Lake Fishing

Halfmoon Lake Fishing In Southern Utah

Halfmoon Lake is a very scenic spot, so you might want to try Halfmoon Lake fishing in Southern Utah when you decide to catch trout, cutthroat and grayling. Aside from the fishes that you are going to catch, you will also be able to bring home fantastic photos of the lake.

This is also not that hard to find. You will be able to locate Halfmoon Lake easily because it is just beside the trail system. Because of this, you might not need a guide to get to the place.

Fishing in Halfmoon Lake

Unlike in the past, not so many anglers are frequenting the lake nowadays. Because of this, fish are getting overcrowded. This resulted in stunting. That is why small fishes are often caught in this area.

Brook trout are overpopulating the place. That is why cutthroats and graylings often do not survive. Some that have are not healthy looking – with big heads and small bodies.

There is a history of partial winterkill in the lake. Nonetheless, Brook trout were able to survive winters – for one or two seasons – which made their number balloon. This has caused the overcrowding and ultimately, stunting of fishes in Halfmoon Lake.

So if you decide to visit this place, eat as many trout as you can. Also, take your fair limit of brook trout to help lessen their population. This will help the fishes to have a chance to get bigger and healthier, by having more food and space to inhabit.


Halfmoon Lake Fishing In Southern UT| Fish, Tips, Information